How to Hear God’s Voice

Invitation to consider learning How to Hear Gods Voice

From Pauline Burthwick’s journal

“Let Me be your Teacher, let Me be your Teacher. Let Me be your Teacher, let Me be your Teacher. I want to teach you and instruct you. I want you to know who you really are. I want to take the facade off of you. I want to take the masks and facade off of you and I want you to see who you really are. I want you to know how I see you, how I created you how I designed you, the purpose I have for you, not what someone told you that you were, not how someone said you should be. Some of you have even lost that flicker in your heart that knew that [what others were telling you] was not what [who] you were supposed to be, it [your true identity] got deadened by all those people piling all their own agendas on you.


I have your agenda, I already have it written in My book. I am going to reveal it to you. I am going to call you forth, I am going to give you your name. You do know that you are going to have a new name? I know what your name is. I have created you for My purposes, I have created you to bring glory to Me, to bring glory to My Name, to shine in the earth. You will be called the sons of God, and it will be in part because you have been taught by Me, for every good Father teaches their child in the way they are to go, and doesn’t Scripture say when he is old he will not depart from it. So, if you will listen, if you will sit by My side and let Me teach you in the way that you should go, you will not depart from it, for it will be the very fabric of your being. For as I speak to you, I am also creating that new you – the one that is the true you. I am uncovering and building up the walls that have been broken down. I am filling you with My light and the glory, and My purposes and most of all My love, for you must love yourself before you can truly love others. Some of you might even experience Me saying ‘so and so’ [your name], I would like to introduce you to “so and so” [the real you]. You don’t even know who you are. But, you will know who you are and you will be solid and secure, for you are oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord.


You will give fruit in every season, for the healing of the nations, but don’t be tempted to get all your teaching from mankind. It isn’t about which church you attend; it isn’t about what book you read; it isn’t about which prophet you know; it isn’t about what teacher you sit under; unless it is Me – for I am the Teacher. You see [what happens] in the scriptures [1 Corinthians 3 when one holds up one teacher and another one holds up another teacher (Paul or Apollos)].


You experience it in your day in time when one holds up this denomination and another holds up that denomination. And I am bringing My body to unity, and it will be in Me, so if you want to know what I think, I invite you to sit at My feet and I am happy to teach you. And the good news about that is, I don’t only speak on Sunday mornings Sunday evenings or Wednesdays, I am there any time you want. I am there in the middle of the night if you can’t sleep. I’m at the lake, I’m in the closet, I’m wherever you are. I am even behind prison doors. I walk with many, behind prison doors, and I teach them and they learn of Me and My ways and they have joy unspeakable, for they know, that they know, that they know they are loved by Me. For you see, I can even remake them, those who are already behind bars. So foolish the government is they think they can keep Me out. Don’t they know I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory? I can unlock the prison doors and set the captives free. I can turn this world upside down. And I am more inclined to do that than not. For haven’t you heard that My ways are not your ways. I want to feed you manna from heaven. I am the Bread of Life, My words to you are life. Man cannot live by bread alone but by every Word that comes out of My mouth. I am your Father and I desire to feed you.”